Property managers often include extra fees in their management agreements when having to help an association through an insurance claim and reconstruction. My experience has been these fees have risen significantly from extra hourly costs to as much as ten percent. While some may argue that a property manager is neither trained nor licensed to adjust claims and that property management firms may be practicing law or public adjusting without a license, the issue for recovery of these fees is important.

In Capitol Property Management Corporation v. Nationwide Property & Casualty Insurance Company,1 a federal trial court held that a condominium association’s property insurance did not provide coverage for its manager’s fees for processing insurance claims and managing construction following a fire. There, the Association had a fire and the management company filed a claim with the association’s insurance company. The insurer paid the construction costs except for the property managers extra fees associated with the claim and the construction oversight.

The property management contract provided the property manager with a 10% fee for processing the insurance claims and another 5% for acting as the association’s construction manager. While the property manager argued that the claims fees were similar to an extra expense and that the oversight of the construction was a construction expense related to supervision, the court held that neither fee was a direct result of physical damage.

The total 15% fee seems ridiculously high and may have entered into the court’s view of the matter. After a loss occurs, property managers usually have overtime and extra work duties not a result of normal operations, but specifically work directly caused by the physical damage. Had the bill to the association and the case been presented with overtime charges rather than a percentage, the result may have been different.

Boards should be careful to look at all the costs which property managers place into their contracts. The percentage payment of an insurance recovery to the property manager—agreed to in advance—may not be allowed in the by-laws. Generally, only licensed public adjusters and attorneys at law may negotiate an insurance claim for a policyholder.

1 Capitol Property Management Corporation v. Nationwide Prop. & Cas. Ins. Co., No. 1:16-cv-00664 (E.D. Va. Jun. 5, 2017).

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Founded in 1985, our law firm continues to be dedicated to representing insurance policyholders throughout the United States. Collectively, our lawyers are licensed to practice in 25 states. In fact, many of Merlin Law Group’s attorneys worked for the insurance industry before joining the firm, so they bring a strong understanding of insurance company practices. Anyone can file a claim, but it takes experience, knowledge, and savvy to achieve a truly successful outcome. As The Policyholder’s Advocate®, Merlin Law Group aims to drive positive change within the insurance sector by obtaining justice for our clients and educating policyholders on how to navigate insurer bad faith tactics.

When we handle property insurance claim disputes, we hire the most experienced and qualified expert witnesses to evaluate your insurance claim and testify on your behalf. In most cases, we can advance the fees for this. Typically, we hire experts such as engineers, contractors, independent roofing consultants and other professionals to perform a thorough assessment on all possible causes of damages. This is a process that provides us with a very detailed and all-inclusive estimate for determining and justifying a proper settlement. Our use of these professional expert witnesses sets us apart from other insurance law firms.

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